Author: Punitha P. Swamy
Published Date: 06 Jun 2013
Publisher: Springer, India, Private Ltd
Language: English
Format: Hardback| 345 pages
ISBN10: 8132211421
Publication City/Country: New Delhi, India
File size: 53 Mb
File Name: Multimedia Processing, Communication and Computing Applications Proceedings of the First International Conference, ICMCCA, 13-15 December 2012.pdf
Dimension: 155x 235x 22.35mm| 6,978g
Download Link: Multimedia Processing, Communication and Computing Applications Proceedings of the First International Conference, ICMCCA, 13-15 December 2012
| Author: Punitha P. Swamy
Published Date: 06 Jun 2013
Publisher: Springer, India, Private Ltd
Language: English
Format: Hardback| 345 pages
ISBN10: 8132211421
Imprint: none
File size: 59 Mb
File Name: Multimedia Processing, Communication and Computing Applications Proceedings of the First International Conference, ICMCCA, 13-15 December 2012.pdf
Dimension: 155x 235x 22.35mm| 6,978g
Download Link: Multimedia Processing, Communication and Computing Applications Proceedings of the First International Conference, ICMCCA, 13-15 December 2012
Analysis, Retrieval and Delivery of Multimedia Content [electronic resource] / edited by Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Multimedia Processing, Communication and Computing Applications of the First International Conference, ICMCCA, 13-15 December 2012 / edited by First International Conference, ICMCCA, 13-15 December 2012: communication and computing applications: proceedings of the first Download Multimedia Processing Communication And Computing Applications Proceedings Of The First International Conference Icmcca 13 15 December 2012 2013. by Nathaniel 3.4. Facebook Twitter Google Digg Reddit Image processing, Pattern Recognition, Document image processing, Processing. Reviewed research papers for the International conference ACPR the first International Conference on Multimedia Processing. Communication and Computing Applications(ICMCCA), PESIT. Bangalore, India, pp.29,Dec 13-15, 2012. ICMCCA 2012 is the first International Conference on Multimedia Processing, Communication and Computing Applications and the theme of the Conference is chosen as 'Multimedia Processing and its Applications'. Multimedia Proceedings of the First International Conference, ICMCCA, 13-15 December 2012. Proceedings of the First International Conference, ICMCCA, 13-15 ing Applications-ICMCCA 2012 held in Bengaluru during December 13 15, 2012, which Buy Multimedia Processing, Communication and Computing Applications: Proceedings of the First International Conference, Icmcca, 13-15 December 2012 Multimedia Processing, Communication and Computing Applications: Proceedings of the First International Conference, ICMCCA, 13-15 December 2012 Books Multimedia Processing, Communication and Computing Applications: Proceedings of the First International Conference, ICMCCA, 13-15 December 2012: Multimedia Processing, Communication and Computing Applications - Proceedings of the First International Conference, ICMCCA, 13-15 December 2012 transform and PCA,International Journal of Graphics & Image Process- ing, Vol. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Sci- ence and First International Conference on Multimedia processing, Communications and Computing Applications (ICMCCA), 13-15 December 2012, PES Insti-. Multimedia processing, communication and computing applications:proceedings of the First International Conference, ICMCCA, 13-15 December 2012. [Punitha applications:proceedings of the First International Conference, ICMCCA ICMCCA 2012 is the first International Conference on Multimedia Processing. Communication And Computing. Applications Proceedings Of The. First International Conference. Icmcca 13 15 December 2012.
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